Momsbite: Initiative empowering widowed women.

Widowed women are often marginalized and pictured as being dependent on their family-in-law. Although they try hard to reach their financial independence, they always face social and economic challenges. That’s why Mustafa decided to help them generate income while staying at home.

This October, and during a Digital and Media Literacy (DML) online training course held in Nahr El Bared in the North area of Lebanon, within the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) program by UNICEF, we met Mustafa, an 18-year old university student who has shown so much motivation and commitment during the sessions. Thanks to the new skills acquired in the DML program, he improved the way he studies and became able to help his classmates create advanced presentations using the Microsoft tools and Google drive suite.

The sessions were amazing! I’m now feeling more confident working within a team and helping others with their tasks.” Said Mustafa when asked about the sessions.

Mustafa has also found the DML training program useful as it helped him develop his own project: Momsbite. A food truck selling homemade dishes. As per Mustafa, the objective behind this food truck is helping widows generate income and become financially independent. In addition, Momsbite distributes a part of the food for free in some of the schools in the North area. Mustafa created a website and social media channels to advertise his project and let more people in his community know about it.

This story is part of the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) Program by UNICEF implemented by DOT Lebanon with the funding of the Deutsch embassy in Lebanon and ANDAN.

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